torek, 7. marec 2017
Spletne tehnologije - povzetek
Vsi uporabljamo splet. Bodisi kot uporabniki ali razvijalci. Je hitro razvijajoče se področje z ogromno informacijami, do teh informacij pa dostopamo preko spletnih strani. Spletna stran Oblikoteka omogoča, da se razna podjetja predstavijo s pomočjo spletnih strani, ki jim jo lahko ustvari in oblikuje Oblikoteka. Če pa stranka želi kaj manj pa lahko izbere tudi spletno vizitko, ki vsebuje osnovne informacije za razliko od spletne strani, ki jih ima veliko, vendar je izdelava takšne vizitke tudi zelo hitra.
My name is Mitja and I'm from Slovenia. I created this blog as exercise in my english class and it is some small explanation about internet threats and internet safety.
My name is Mitja and I'm from Slovenia. I created this blog as exercise in my english class and it is some small explanation about internet threats and internet safety.
četrtek, 1. december 2016
Computer virus
It is programming code that can “nest” in the computer and starts spreading without user even knowing this. When it spreads, it can be very harmful like, deleting files from disk. Virus starts spreading when its file is executed for example, when user open the document or the picture where virus is “nested”.
Computer worm
WORD stands for Write Once Read Many. It is malware computer program, the is constantly replicating in order to spread to other devices. It relies on security failures on targeted device to access it. Unlike virus, it doesn’t need to be attached to an existing program. It’s damage is consuming networks bandwidth.
WORD stands for Write Once Read Many. It is malware computer program, the is constantly replicating in order to spread to other devices. It relies on security failures on targeted device to access it. Unlike virus, it doesn’t need to be attached to an existing program. It’s damage is consuming networks bandwidth.
Safer internet day
Safer internet day (SID) is organised by insafe and it is celebrated every year infebruary. It is organised to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology. It is mostly dedicated to young people across the world
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